Submit Your News

Use the form below to tell us about your exciting news.  Be sure to include all the details we need to publish the story on the EDHP-SIG website.  If the administrator requires additional information, they will reach out to you using the email address provided below.

    Tell us about yourself

    Tell us your news

    Provide a descriptive title that will grab the reader's attention. Goal: 60 characters. Limit: 120 characters


    Provide the main content of the post. You may use basic html tags such as ‹strong› for bold text and ‹em› for italicized text. For titles, use the ‹h2› through ‹h6› tags to denote heirarchy in the content. No limits on length.

    Provide a good teaser that describes your content. Goal: 160 characters. Limit: 240 characters


    Provide an image to be featured with the post. Be sure to respect intellectual property rights, and only provide images you own, or from public domain sources such as or Aspect ratio: 3:2. Preferred Size: 1200px x 800px. Maximum File Size: 3mb.

    Provide tags to describe the post, separated by commas. For example: e-learning, blended learning, mixed-mode. No limits on length.